
SW: Losing it All

Deviation Actions

SlingBlade87's avatar

Literature Text

Aira-ty moved through the creek bed with the rest of her team, her eyes scanning the thick jungle foliage around them as she sloshed through the ankle deep water.
“I wish Sayael would hurry up.” she grumbled.
Silas chuckled inside his helmet. “Don't worry, he isn't going to let us down. Hasn't yet.”
Aira-ty nodded and looked over her shoulder at Via as she brought up the rear. She was the closest to Aira-ty's age but even though she was only two years Aira-ty's senior she often seemed much older when they were working, her usually cheerful demeanor turning dark and dangerous. Looking forwards to where Garron, Iyras and Eisha formed the vanguard of their formation, Aira-ty found herself wishing she had her own set of armor. She was the only member of the group not to have her own set of beskar'gam and that fact bothered her immensely. Silas had promised that after this job was over they'd find a smith and get her a set finally. She couldn't wait, it had been almost four years since she'd first joined the group and she was sick of feeling like the only one who didn't fit in.
“Hey, Silas?” she asked, looking up at the mountain of a man besides her.
“We are going to get my armor after this right?”
He chuckled and patted her on the head. He was the only one she let do that, if anyone else in the group even though of it she'd have punched them.
“Don't worry ad'ika, you'll get your armor after this is over.”
“Is she complaining about her armor again?” Iyras asked from up ahead.
“Yes,” Eisha said with a laugh, her red armor shaking a little with tinkling laugh. “She's pretty insistent.”
“It's about time we get her a set.” Silas replied. “She's been with us long enough. She's more one of us than Glatten could ever be.”
“Silas,” Garron growled from the head of the troop. “Don't talk about that hu'tuun, he's dead as far as I'm concerned.”
Aira-ty nodded, glad that they'd thrown Grauzem out of the group. She held her arms close around herself remembering the way he'd grabbed and groped her while tearing her clothing off. She looked up at Silas with a nervous smile. It had been Silas that had ripped Grauzem off of her and thrown him into the wall, beating him to a pulp while Via had taken a sobbing Aira-ty away. It hadn't been the first time Grauzem had done that sort of thing to herself or Via, but it had been the worst time and also the last. Garron and Silas had both wanted to shoot him right then and there but Aira-ty had begged to let him go. Despite what he'd almost done to her, she couldn't bring herself to want one of her family dead. Even one like Grauzem.
Garron's hand jerked up suddenly and everyone froze, their helmets swiveling as they looked around at their surroundings.
“What is it?” Iryas asked, his weapon at the ready.
“I thought I heard something.” Garron said. “Take point, we'll cover.”
Iryas nodded and moved forwards, Aira-ty clutcher her pistol in her hand, watching the banks of the creek. Silas' voice besides her made her jump as he bellowed a warning.
“GRENADE!” Silas shouted as exactly that landed in the creek ahead of them. “GET DO—“
He didn't finish as the weapon went off, he had just enough time to twist himself and shield Aira-ty from the blast. She felt the heat from the charge wash around him but she didn't have the chance to do more than register it as the jungle lit up with blasterfire.
“AMBUSH!” Via shouted. “EVERYONE DOWN!”
Silas stood and twisted, raising his rifle and opening fire, sweeping the barrel over the line of attackers and scything them down as Aira-ty picked off individuals with her pistol. She stole a glance forwards and felt terror grip her heart. There wasn't much left of Iryas, just a charred suit of armor. Garron was lying face down and motionless in the water while Eisha knelt over him, her weapon barking angrily as she shook him and shouted his name.
“GET BACK! GET BACK!” Silas ordered Aira-ty as he moved towards Eisha. “Eisha! MOVE!”
“I'm not leaving him!” Eisha screamed over the sound of combat.
“He's dead! Don't get yourself killed!”
“SILAS!” Aira-ty screamed as a droideka rolled out of the jungle.
She opened fire, but its shield prevented her pistol from doing it any damage and she watched in horror as its blaster cannons opened fire, tearing Silas apart and gunning him down as it swept the creek.
“DOWN!” Via yelled, yanking Aira-ty back, taking the fire that should have cut her down as she cried out in pain.
“VIA!” Aira-ty shrieked as her friend slumped against her, a blast wound in her back.
She looked up as the droideka reloaded its arm cannons. She had a few seconds to save herself and Via. She lifted the older girl's arm over her and began dragging her away.
“Iryas,” sobbed Via as Aira-ty hobbled and carried her into the dense jungle.

Grauzem and his new allies stepped out of the cover of the jungle as the combat came to a close. Within his helmet, his face broke out in a smile as he saw Eisha crying and holding Garron's corpse in her arms. Of course she was still alive, she was tough. He holstered his blaster and dropped down into the water, approaching the sobbing Eisha as she cradled her dead lover in her arms. Drawing his blade he grabbed the top of her helmet and yanked her head back, slashing her throat and letting her drop to bleed out atop Garron.
Grauzem turned at the sound and his smiled widened within his helmet as he spied Aira-ty and Via turning and fleeing into the jungle.
“Leave them to me.” he growled, twirling his knife in his hand as he stalked after them.
They didn't get very far, it was slow going carrying an injured comrade through the foliage after all. He caught up with them in a small clearing, calling out to them as they tried to limp away.
“Where are you two off to? Leaving already? And after I arranged this special party just for you.” he chuckled darkly. “You might just make me think you don't appreciate everything I've done for you.”
Via got off of Aira-ty, turning to face him. He couldn't see her face behind her visor but he felt the burning hatred in her eyes as she assumed a fighting stance. She was weak though, the wound on her back was slowing her down. Besides her, Aira-ty held her blaster on him shakily, she wasn't going to hit anything like that Grauzem thought with sick pleasure. This would be easy.

“Stay behind me.” Via said, her voice strained. “Take a shot if you have it.”
Aira-ty nodded, swallowing as her finger slid over the trigger and squeezed. The shot missed, she was shaking too much and it was the only shot that she got as Grauzem's whip lashed out and wrapped around her throat, yanking her forwards and dragging her across the jungle floor.
“Let her go!” Via shouted, rushing towards Grauzem.
He twisted, yanking Aira-ty forwards and choking her as she gagged and clutched at her neck where the whip was biting into her throat. Her eyes widened in terror as her body screamed for oxygen that wasn't there. She watched helplessly as Grauzem delivered a blow to Via's side under her armpit. She was moving too slowly Aira-ty realized, her injury preventing her from fighting to her fullest. That was when Grauzem released his hold on the whip, dropping it to the ground and planting his boot on it as he caught Via in his arms and pulled her close. Aira-ty ripped the whip from her throat and staggered to her feet, leveling her blaster at Grauzem but she couldn't shoot without hitting Via.
That ceased to matter though as Grauzem knocked Via over, forcing her down on her knees before her grabbed her helmet with both hands and twisted. Aira-ty's eyes widened in shock as she watched Grauzem break Via's neck, seeing the last member of her family die before her.
“NO!” she screamed, scooping her blaster up from the ground and firing.
The shot struck Grauzem's pauldron and glanced off, knocking him to the side even as he reached down and drew his knife. He came around in a spin with the blade at the ready but Aira-ty was already in motion, dropping her aim as anger replaced fear and she fired again, the shot going clean through Grauzem's leg, dropping him to his knee. That was all she needed as she spun and delivered a kick to the side of his head, sending him sprawling as she leapt atop him and tore his helmet from his head and pummeled his face.
A sharp pain pierced her side and she looked down in disbelief to see Grauzem's knife sticking in her flank. He grinned up at her, his face bloody from her punches.
“Don't worry,” he spat. “You'll be with them soon, but after I have some fun first!”
He twisted the knife deeper and Aira-ty cried out in pain but even as she did so she dug her fingers into his eyes, causing him to cry out and slacken his grip on the blade's hilt. Aira-ty grabbed it and twisted it out of his grip, raking it across his face.
Grauzem screamed and clutched at his face on the right side where she'd slashed it, blood was pouring out from between his gauntleted gloves as Aira-ty rolled off of him and looked at him, dropping the knife as she clutched at her side. She looked at him as he lay there howling in agony, she should finish him. Shoot him or stab him. Something. Turning she looked at Via's body, her purple armor covered in dirt. Looking back at Grauzem, she felt a burning fury boiling up inside of her. Her Master and the Jedi had always told her that anger was evil and led to the Darkside, but she hadn't been in their care for years now and her Master was years dead.
She took a staggering step towards Grauzem as he twisted and writhed on the ground, but then froze as she heard the sound of armored figures crashing through the jungle beyond him. Panic set in, she wasn't going to die here. She couldn't, she had to escape! Turning from Grauzem and the clearing, she bolted into the foliage, still clutching the wound in her side and pushing through the pain as she dove into the undergrowth and safety.

Grauzem glared hatefully with his remaining eye at Sayael as his former comrade shoved him into the patrol cruiser.
“Kill me!” snarled Grauzem.
“No.” Sayael said flatly. “For this you're going to rot,” he smiled cruelly. “I've made sure you'll sit in Kessel for a very long time.”
“Do you think you've won?” Grauzem snapped angrily, grinning manically. “I killed them all!”
“Not all of them.” Sayael said. “I didn't see Aira-ty,” his face spread in a vicious smile as he pointed at Grauzem's face. “She did that to you, I'm sorry she didn't get to finish you off.”
“She couldn't,” Grauzem said gleefully. “She's weak!”
Sayael shook his head. “No, she's stronger than you think. If I can find her I will make sure of that.” he leaned in close to Grauzem, his eyes void of emotion. “She'll finish the job one day. Until then, you can wait and rot.”
Grauzem looked at him hatefully as the cruiser's door sealed.
“I'll kill her!” he shouted at the armored door. “I WILL KILL HER!”

Aira-ty huddled in the cargo hold of the freighter as it lifted off. She'd gotten new clothes and applied a bacta patch to her injuries. The pain had dulled since she'd stowed away on the freighter. Her body wasn't the only thing that was numb however, her heart had stilled. She couldn't feel anything. And no matter how tightly she closed her eyes she couldn't stop seeing the bodies of her family lying dead in the jungle. She tucked her head against her knees and let her tears flow freely. Silas had promised her a suit of armor after this mission, but right now all she cared about was hearing his warm voice again. She just wanted to hear their voices again. Any of them, but she knew that she'd never get her wish. They were all dead. Just like her Master. She'd lost everyone again, and this time she didn't know what she would do.
Her head jerked up as the name came to her.
Jango Fett!
Eisha and Garron had known him, he'd worked with them a few times. He was their friend, maybe he could help her...would he? He'd seemed so cold and removed when he'd worked with them...but who else could she turn to? She didn't know where Sayael was...and he'd never shared any information with anyone else in the group. Even if she could contact him, could she trust him? She reached into her pocket and pulled out her datapad as she began searching for information on Jango Fett. There. Contact information.
Nervously, she opened her email and began typing out a simple text message.
Aira-ty: Everyone is dead. I'm all alone. Help.
Swallowing, she tapped the send button. Who knew when he'd get it...or if he'd get it. Unsure what else she could do she curled up behind the cargo crates and closed her eyes, letting exhaustion set in as she passed out. Her sleep was far from sound, the faces of her dead family floating through her mind as they glared at her in silent accusation. It was with relief that she wakened to the chime of her datapad a few hours later.
She checked it, she had a new email.
Opening the message, she found a simple response.
Jango: Where are you?
Her heart soared as she sent a reply.
Aira-ty: I hid on a freighter. Leaving Syl, I think it is going to Hadrad.
She sent the message and waited, clutching the datapad in her hands as she stared at the screen hopefully. It took an eternity, but a reply came again with a promise.
Jango: I will be waiting for you at Hadrad.
Aira-ty slumped and stared at the screen as fresh tears appeared in her eyes. He was going to help her. He'd be there when she arrived. Everything was going to be alright. Alright. No, it wasn't. She put the datapad on the deck and drove the palms of her hands into her eyes as she began to crew anew. It wasn't going to be alright, everyone was dead...but she'd survived...Garron and Eisha's friend was going to help her. Did she even deserve his help? She'd seen everyone die, and she'd lived. What help did she deserve except perhaps in dying?

Jango watched as the freighter set down on the landing pad. It was the only one coming from Syl. If the message he'd received was right, then the girl from Garron's group would be on it. He remembered her, a young and fiery thing with long green hair and pointy ears. Barely old enough to be called a young woman. Still, if her message was for real and the others were all dead she would need help and he wasn't going to abandon one of Garron's people. Garron and Eisha had been among the handful of survivors from the True Mandalorians, there weren't many. With them dead there were even fewer. A commotion on the landing pad caught his attention and he watched as members of the freighter's crew dragged a kicking and screaming teenager down the loading ramp.
Green hair, point ears. It was her.
He set off across the landing pad with purpose. Watching as one of the crew struck the girl, knocking her down. He reached down and drew one of his pistols in a single motion, firing a shot that struck the hull of the ship.
Everyone froze.
He approached weapon drawn as they backed away from the girl and she looked up at him. For a moment she didn't seem to comprehend who he was, then her eyes lit with recognition and she leapt to her feet, throwing her arms around his armored torso and sobbing against it.
He stood there, weapon still aimed at the crew silently as she cried against him. It was quite the image he imagined. However he didn't have time to stand there and cultivate it.
“Let's go.” he said gruffly, leading her away.
She nodded, swallowing and stifling her cries as they turned and walked away, leaving the landing pad behind them and entering the spaceport.
“Tell me everything.”
And so she did. By the time she was done Jango was looking at her with a mixture of pity and respect. She was a survivor, like him, and he knew what a double edged sword that could be. He'd have to watch her to make sure she didn't do anything stupid. She'd made it this far though, that was good enough.
“You'll be staying with me.” he said, ignoring the grateful look she shot at him. “But that means you're going to need armor. I know a few smiths we can visit.”
Her golden cat eyes moistened with tears as she nodded.
Jango sighed heavily. This was going to be tough, very tough, but he couldn't simply turn her away. He might not like the mantle, but he was the Mandalore and she needed his help. That much was obvious. He had a duty to fulfill.
So this is something I told rayn44 I'd write ages ago and never really got around to.

However I have gotten around to it and having done so I can say that I am not sure how good it is.

I hope though that she and everyone else enjoys it.

The members of Aira-ty's group can be seen here:…

Star Wars is Star Wars and belongs to those who own it.
For all the OCs, refer to :iconrayn44: and :iconbret13:
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SacredDemigod's avatar

Technically Sayael was right about Aira-ty being stronger than Grauzem. Since Aira-ty is a former Jedi and it seems like Aira-ty was about to use the dark side force attack on Grauzem. But she missed the opportunity because she was injured and was choking earlier in that fight.