Character vs Creator (Kahans)

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Myself and the Star Wars OC Kahan and his many personas.

1. Introduce Yourselves
SB: Yo, I'm Slingblade.

Kahan: I'm Kahan, I don't really remember the rest.

Jedi Kahan: Jedi Master Kahan, at your service.

Mando Kahan: Kahan Serris.

Hogwarts Kahan: Kahan Serris, it's a pleasure to meet you.

The Grand Inquisitor: You know who I am.

Kahan of Gondor: I am Kahan of Gondor Son of Gabril, how may I be of service?

2. What is your favorite food?
SB: I've got to start eating again...I miss food.

Kahan: I don't really have one honestly, I just eat to sustain myself.

Jedi Kahan: Unfortunately our rations are limited in the GAR.

Mando Kahan: Battle rations, quick and easy.

Hogwarts Kahan: Dad's breakfast.

The Grand Inquisitor: Irrelevant.

Kahan of Gondor: I honestly have not had anything finer than Olen's mead and bread.

3. What is your favorite drink?

SB: Uh, I guess if I have to pick, since I get the feeling that this is going to be a recurring thing, chocolate milk.

Kahan: I hadn't given it much thought, I will have to try a few.

Jedi Kahan: Water suffices for my needs.

Mando Kahan: Water works for me, but sometimes I prefer something a little harder.

Hogwarts Kahan: Lemonade.

The Grand Inquisitor: Also irrelevant.

Kahan of Gondor: Oh, forgive me I had not realized we had to answer that here, Olen's mead.

3(.5?). Do you have a favorite book?
SB: Far too many to enumerate.

Kahan: Hmm, I have read far too many to be able to select just one.

Jedi Kahan: The Archives are filled with many fascinating titles, I couldn't say which I enjoyed the most.

Mando Kahan: Who has the time?

Hogwarts Kahan: Oh, I really couldn't say...and it really depends on what I'm in the mood for.

The Grand Inquisitor: ...I grow tired of this.

Kahan of Gondor: In honesty, I do not read.

4. Are you single or taken?
SB: Single.

Kahan: Married.

Jedi Kahan: Taken.

Mando Kahan: Married.

Hogwarts Kahan: Also married.

The Grand Inquisitor: Alone.

Kahan of Gondor: I am unengaged at the moment.

5. What is your favorite thing or person?
SB: Oiy, again with the favorites.

Kahan: Aira-ty Nokta.

Jedi Kahan: Aira-ty.

Mando Kahan: Aira-ty.

Hogwarts Kahan: Aira-ty.

The Grand Inquisitor: That, is none of your concern, and you'd best remember that.

Kahan of Gondor: I don't believe she knows it, but Aira-ty.

6. What is your least favorite thing or person?
SB: Don't really know, that requires some thought.

Kahan: The judgement of my peers.

Jedi Kahan: The restrictions the Order places on all of us.

Mando Kahan: The Jedi Order.

Hogwarts Kahan: ...I really shouldn't say this...but my own brother.

The Grand Inquisitor: ...the deceit of it all.

Kahan of Gondor: The memories of my past.

7. Do you have a favorite animal?
SB: Snow leopard.

Kahan: The marmar.

Jedi Kahan: I had not considered it.

Mando Kahan: Nope, not unless I'm hungry.

Hogwarts Kahan: Cats, one in particular.

The Grand Inquisitor: ...stop wasting my time.

Kahan of Gondor: My horse, Edoin.

8. Do you have a favorite game?
SB: Far too many games!

Kahan: I enjoy something that forces me to think.

Jedi Kahan: I concur, something intellectual.

Mando Kahan: Nah, I got my work for that.

Hogwarts Kahan: Wizard chess...though if Aira-ty gets on a broomstick I'll say Quidditch.

The Grand Inquisitor: There is only one game, and I am its master.

Kahan of Gondor: No, I have never learned any.

9. What do you consider your greatest skill?
SB: ...look at all the versions of my character and ask me that again.

Kahan: My understanding.

Jedi Kahan: My willingness to help others.

Mando Kahan: Isn't it obvious? I'm a bounty hunter and damned good at it.

Hogwarts Kahan: I am a great scholar.

The Grand Inquisitor: My mind.

Kahan of Gondor: I truly do not know, perhaps my desire for change?

10. Ignore number 10!
SB: A~and moving right along.

Kahan: Well, if you insist, but don't expect me to forget it.

Jedi Kahan: Very well, but I will find out what it is.

Mando Kahan: Right, because I'm just going to do what you tell me to.

Hogwarts Kahan: Shouldn't we instead know what it is so that we may understand it?

The Grand Inquisitor: you have something to hide?

Kahan of Gondor: Why must we ignore it? It is here is it not?

11. Say something to someone else in the Meme!
SB: ...I hope you guys don't mind that there are so many of you....

Kahan: I'm the original, but I must admit you're all doing a great job.

Jedi Kahan: It's indeed an honor to be a part of something like this.

Mando Kahan: Whatever.

Hogwarts Kahan: I'm honored to be a part of all of you and I hope you feel the same about me.

The Grand Inquisitor: You are all weak, I will correct this.

Kahan of Gondor: The honor is mine surely, I could not ask to be a part of better company.

12. Where is your favorite place to go?
SB: The ocean again.

Kahan: ...inside myself.

Jedi Kahan: I have to agree, the mind is a wonderful place.

Mando Kahan: My ship, it's home after all.

Hogwarts Kahan: Home, with my family.

The Grand Inquisitor: think I would reveal that to you? Then you are a fool.

Kahan of Gondor: I do not know, I am still searching for such a place.

13. Do you have friends?
SB: Yep, a whole lot of them.

Kahan: I've made many of them over the years.

Jedi Kahan: I do, and I value their presence.

Mando Kahan: A few, more enemies though.

Hogwarts Kahan: Yes, I made many friends in my years at Hogwarts.

The Grand Inquisitor: Friends are a liability.

Kahan of Gondor: I did once, but I left them behind.

14. *glares*
SB: I swear I didn't do it...yet.

Kahan: ....

Jedi Kahan: Do you require something?

Mando Kahan: Hey, watch it.

Hogwarts Kahan: Are you alright?

The Grand Inquisitor: Your emotions betray you, and soon so will your thoughts.

Kahan of Gondor: Have I offended you?



Jedi Kahan: IF WE MUST!

Mando Kahan: FEEL THE BURN!

Hogwarts Kahan: WIZBANG!

The Grand Inquisitor: ....

Kahan of Gondor: ...I am at a loss, truly.

16. Your obsession?
SB: ...honestly at this rate I'd say Kahan.

Kahan: Well, I suppose helping those in need.

Jedi Kahan: Aira-ty.

Mando Kahan: Revenge.

Hogwarts Kahan: Knowledge.

The Grand Inquisitor: You will not have that information.

Kahan of Gondor: My past.

17. What kind of question is number 17?
SB: Whatever I choose it to be.

Kahan: A very unusual one.

Jedi Kahan: Indeed, it does seem strange.

Mando Kahan: A waste of time.

Hogwarts Kahan: It is puzzling, is it a riddle?

The Grand Inquisitor: A foolish one. 

Kahan of Gondor: I do not know.

18. Free chat!
SB: Well, I guess this is almost done, anything you guys want to get off your chests?

Kahan: Yeah, how did I go from being one character to being over a half-dozen and counting?

Jedi Kahan: That is a good question, at least in my case I am merely a development of the originals.

Mando Kahan: Now that he mentions it...yeah, why are there so many of us?

Hogwarts Kahan: It is perplexing...perhaps this has to do with alternate realities and lives we may have lived?

The Grand Inquisitor: It's obvious: he is a fool and afraid to deviate from what he is comfortable with.

Kahan of Gondor: That is perhaps too harsh, I think he simply enjoys telling our stories.

19. Characters, Do you want to hurt your owner for making you do this? Owner, What do you think of your characters response?
Kahan: No, there are worse things he's done to me, just look at my other selves!

Jedi Kahan: Not at all.

Mando Kahan: Well, it was kinda a waste but honestly it isn't a big deal.

Hogwarts Kahan: No, of  course not. It was a pleasure to get to know my alter egos.

The Grand Inquisitor: The fool will do as he pleases.

Kahan of Gondor: No, not at all, in fact it was a most enjoyable experience.

SB: Well, that's about what I'd expect from each of them really.

20. Characters what do you think of your owner? Owner, what do you think of your characters?
Kahan: He's very creative to have kept me alive all these years and allowed me to develop as he has.

Jedi Kahan: He has a flair for the dramatic.

Mando Kahan: Hey, he let me get my revenge so he's a good guy.

Hogwarts Kahan: He certainly enjoys his craft, even if he won't take credit for it.

The Grand Inquisitor: I have already said what I think of him, I will not repeat myself again.

Kahan of Gondor: He's a good man, though I understand that there is much on his shoulders.

SB: Well, again that's about what I'd expect...I'm surprised the Grand Inquisitor hasn't tried to mindfuck me yet honestly!

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zombieslare's avatar
Sarah Snow, A young jedi, age 16 average height, medium chest size, black hair, white bang, one blue eye and one golden eye.
Meets Sith Kahan and refuses to join the dark side and survives his mind purge. Oh also has two lightsabers